CMASC Newsletter: C-MASC Winter 2023 Newsletter

C-MASc Newsletter Winter 2023

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1. Top Stories

  1. OSU President Kristina Johnson addresses guests at the C-FARM Launch.

    On November 2, 2022, over 70 guests gathered in the new Controlled Environment Agriculture Building on Waterman to help celebrate the launch of the Carbon Farming Alliance for Research and Management, C-FARM. 

    The program featured remarks from OSU President Kristina Johnson, Dean Cathann

  2. The primary goal of C-FARM is to quantify how on-farm adoption of specific conservation and innovative management practices affect the total stock and depth distribution of soil carbon under cropland, grassland, and rangeland uses across a diversity of major land resource areas in the U.S.

  3. By Allison Thomson, FFAR AgMission Program Director

    Agricultural production contributes roughly 13 percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but the sector also has the potential to be a powerful climate solution. At the same time, agriculture is increasingly

  4. By Kelly Gillespie, Ph.D.

    There are certain practices we know drive a more robust, sustainable environment and healthier soils. Conservation or strip tillage, crop rotation, the usage of cover crops – these practices are ones that we know enhance soil organic carbon (SOC

2. Arrivals & Departures

  1. Please join us in welcoming C-MASC’s new Assoicate Director, Jason Phillips. Prior to this role, Jason served five years as a Director of Foundation Relations, working with faculty across Ohio State to secure philanthropic grants to support research. Jason is a co-founder of the non-profit

3. Center Updates

  1. Concerns have emerged regarding negative effects of the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and genetically modified organisms in agriculture. In response, the demand for agricultural products produced by organic agriculture (OA) is increasing.

  2. By Kaitlyn Cowley, Ohio Operations Associate, Herbert W. Hoover Foundation

    The Herbert W. Hoover Foundation is proud to be supporting C-MASC and the cutting-edge, world-changing science that comes from it.  As a foundation, we are continuously looking for initiatives

4. Quarterly Viewpoint


    By Rattan Lal

    Last month, Egypt welcomed the world to the coastal city of Sharm El-Sheik for the 27th United Nations Climate Change conference, COP27, from November 6th to the 22nd of 2022. The first COP event was hosted in Berlin in 1995 and has been held

5. Working Group Updates

  1. By Dr. Roger Williams, Chair, C-MASC Agroforestry Working Group

    The Forest Carbon Working Group has received financial support from CFAES Rattan Lal Center for Carbon Management and Sequestration to fund a graduate student to study the extent and the potential for Ohio’s

  2. By Dr. M. Scott Demyan, Chair, C-MASC Agricultural Soils Working Group

    The Agricultural Soils Group secured a CFAES equipment grant for the purchase of a Gasmet GT5000 Terra Portable FTIR Multiple Component Gas analyzer. The GT5000 quantifies CO2, CO, CH4, N2O, NH4, and

6. C-MASC Near & Far

  1. Be sure to grab your copy of AGRIman Adventures, Issue 3 featuring our very own Dr. Lal. This colorful and fun adventure is a perfect learning tool for soil enthusiasts of all ages. Agriman is published by WHYFARM in partnership with the Climate Change and Natural Resources Program of the Inter-

  2. Humanity cannot do without agriculture since the activity is the main source of food, a basic right of all people that depends on the existence of healthy soils to produce, assured Rattan Lal, a scientist considered the greatest global authority in environmental sciences.

  3. On December 19, 2022, India’s ambassador to the U.S., Taranji Singh Sandhu visited OSU to see where his parents attended university. Dr.

  4. In his comedic holiday poem, “Greetings, Friends!”, published in the December 26, 2022 issue of The New Yorker Magazine, humorist Ian Frazier took the opportunity to mention Dr. Lal’s soil research along side many of the names that captured headlines in 2022. 

    The poem features Brittney

7. Publications & Presentations

  1. Books Written:

    1. Lorenz, K. Lal, R. 2022. Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in Terrestrial Biomes of the United States. Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-95192-4, 201pp.