Kent State Collaboration

These projects are conducted in parallel and in collaboration with the Stark Sustainable Soils Initiative, each funded by separate grants from the Herbert W. Hoover Foundation as part of their science area of focus.

Cover crop impacts on soil carbon inferred by modeling and soil optical properties

Postdoctoral Researcher Gunadhish Khanal loads up a car with corn samples.Sponsor: Herbert W. Hoover Foundation
Principal Investigators: Rattan Lal (Ohio State University), Joseph Ortiz (Kent State University), Sarah Eichler (Kent State University), Remegio Confesor (The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research - NIBIO)
Postdoctoral Researcher: Gunadhish Khanal

From the sponsor's website:

2022 – This project builds on the previous research funded by HWHF [the collaboration between Ohio State and Kent State, Field-scale estimates of soil carbon based on modeling and soil optical properties with Postdoctoral Researcher Srabani Das], but looks more into the impact of cover crops on soil organic carbon stocks. Additionally, other types of soils are being assessed to determine whether remote sensing can be used on them as well. The research team includes Dr. Josepth Ortiz and Dr. Sarah Eichler (an agroecologist) from Kent State University, Dr. Lal from the Ohio State University, and Dr. Remegio Confesor (expert in modeling of agricultural systems) from NIBIO

Field-scale estimates of soil carbon based on modeling and soil optical properties

Sponsor: Herbert W. Hoover Foundation
Principal Investigators: Rattan Lal (Ohio State University), Joseph Ortiz (Kent State University), Sarah Eichler (Kent State University), Remegio Confesor (The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research - NIBIO)
Postdoctoral Researcher: Srabani Das

From the sponsor's website:

2020 – Building upon prior grants provided by the Herbert W. Hoover Foundation [the Stark Sustainable Soils Initiative], this project by Ohio State University and Kent State University sought to assess the quality of soil through imaging. This continues to enable farmers, scientists, and resource managers to more readily assess carbon sequestration capacity in soil as well as overall soil health at a fraction of the cost. This project was conducted in parallel and in cooperation with the Stark Sustainable Soils Initiative.

Project Outcomes

Journal Articles
  • Bridges, KM, Das, S, Neikirk, H, Lal, R. Influence of manure and tillage on soil carbon and soil organic matter in silt loam soils of corn–soybean–forage systems. J Sustain Agric Environ. 2023; 2: 337–345.
Presentations and Conference Papers
  • Bridges, Kathleen, Das, Srabani and Lal, Rattan. 2021. Stark Sustainable Soil Initiative: an on-farm research collaboration. 1 October 2021. Palmer Lecture Series Colloquium, Department of Geology, Kent State University. Kent, Ohio, USA.