July 7, 2024 • Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Dr. Lal addressed 800+ attendees at the National Meeting of the Direct Planting System in Brazil on July 7, 2024, and event held every two years for the Brazilian Federation of Direct Planting Systems (FEBRAPDP), with a lecture entitled Carbon Farming as the Pathway for Ecosystem Services and Nature-Positive Agriculture. The event aims to support farmers to “produce food, fiber, and energy in harmony with nature based on three pillars: no soil disturbance, permanent soil coverage, and plant diversification in crop rotation.” Lal Carbon Center Senior Reseacher Dr. Juca Sá was pleased to present Dr. Lal with a certificate commemorating the event. Dr. Lal regrets that he was unable to attend the event in person, and he looks forward to joining the meeting in Brazil one day.