By Lauren Baldarelli and Gunadhish Khanal
The Stark Sustainable Soil Initiative
This project is led by researcher Dr. Baldarelli and funded by Herbert W. Hoover Foundation
Dr. Baldarelli and team are ready for yet another growing season in Stark County as this will mark the last sampling in the Sustainable Soil Initiative. Farmers included in the study are growing corn, wheat, soybeans, and oats throughout Stark County. Soil sampling is scheduled for the end of the growing season (~September). Bulk soil samples and soil cores to determine soil properties such as bulk density, soil C and N, and soil organic matter will be collected. The goal is to understand how different farming practices (tillage, fertilizer applications, and cover cropping) will affect these different soil measurements. In the meantime, we are preparing the results from previous growing seasons and are looking forward to the comprehensive findings!
Cover Crop Impacts on Soil Carbon Inferred by Modeling and Soil Optical Properties
This project is led by researcher Dr. Khanal in collaboration with Kent State University
Dr. Khanal is conducting image analysis of soil aggregates for soil slaking and tensile strength of the aggregates. All the data generated in relation to soil physical properties, carbon, and nutrients will be shared with the partners at Kent State University to compare results by optical analysis and modeling. The data will then be prepared for publication. Stay tuned!