Summer 2023 Publications

Books Written:

1. Jayaraman, S., R.C. Dalal and Rattan Lal (eds) 2023.  Sustainable Soil Management: Beyond Food Production.  Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN 13: 978-1-5275-0204-8, pp 350.

Books Edited:

1. Jayaraman, Somasundaram, Ram C. Dalal, Ashok K Patra,and  Rattan Lal 2023. Soil Sustainable Management: Challenges, Prospects and Benefits  Chapter 1 in J.Somasundran et al.(Eds)”Sustainable Soil Management : Beyond Food Production”,Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Castle Upon Tyne,U.K.pp 1-22

2. Jayaraman,Somasundram,Ram C.Dalal, and Rattan Lal 2023. Conclusions : Perspective on Sustainable Soil Management. Chapter 12 in J.Somasundran et al.(Eds)”Sustainable Soil Management : Beyond Food Production”,Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Castle Upon Tyne,U.K.pp 322-335.

Referred Journal Articles:

1. Briedis, C., J. Sa, R. Lal, A. Ferreira, J. Franchini, et al. 2023. Preservation of labile organic compounds is the pathway for carbon storage in a 23-year continuous no-till system on a Ferralsol in southern Brazil. GEODERMA REGIONAL 33. doi: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2023.e00643.

2. Das, S., A. Das, R. Idapuganti, J. Layek, D. Thakuria, et al. 2023. Liming and micronutrient application improves soil properties and productivity of the groundnut-rapeseed cropping system in an acidic Inceptisol of India’s eastern Himalayas. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT. doi: 10.1002/ldr.4713.

3. Huang, Y., B. Tao, R. Lal, K. Lorenz, P. Jacinthe, et al. 2023. A global synthesis of biochar’s sustainability in climate-smart agriculture- Evidence from field and laboratory experiments. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 172. doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2022.113042.

4. Layek, Jayanta. A Das, V.K. Mishra, R. Lal, R. Krishnappa, et al. 2023. Improved agronomic practices and high yielding rice varieties maintain soil health and enhance yield and energy use efficiency under shifting cultivation landscapes of eastern Himalayas. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT. Doi: 10.1002/ldr.4807.

5. Kolganova, A. , Lal, R. and Firkins, J. (2023) Biochar’s Electrochemical Properties Impact on Methanogenesis: Ruminal vs. Soil Processes. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment, 12, 28-43. doi: 10.4236/jacen.2023.121003.

6. Lal, R. 2023. Agriculture in the North Western Sahara Aquifer System: A miracle in the making? JOURNAL OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION 78(3): 57A-62A. doi: 10.2489/jSWC.2023.0106A.

7. Lal, R. 2023. Farming systems to return land for nature: It’s all about soil health and re- carbonization of the terrestrial biosphere. Farming System 1(1): 100002. doi: 10.1016/j. farsys.2023.100002.

8. Lin, B., R. Li, K. Liu, O. Oladele, Z. Xu, et al. 2023. Management-induced changes in soil organic car bon and related crop yield dynamics in China’s cropland. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 29(13): 3575–3590. doi: 10.1111/gcb.16703.

9. Maas, E., and R. Lal. 2023. A case study of the RothC soil carbon model with potential evapotranspiration and remote sensing model inputs. REMOTE SENSING APPLICATIONS- SOCIETY AND ENVIRONMENT 29. doi: 10.1016/j.rsase.2022.100876.

10. Nandal, A., S. Yadav, A. Rao, R. Meena, and R. Lal. 2023. Advance methodological approaches for carbon stock estimation in forest ecosystems. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 195(2). doi: 10.1007/s10661-022-10898-9.

11. Naorem, A., S. Jayaraman, N. Sinha, M. Mohanty, R. Chaudhary, et al. 2023. Eight-year impacts of conservation agriculture on soil quality, carbon storage, and carbon emission footprint. SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH 232. doi: 10.1016/j.still.2023.105748.

12. Serafim, M., I. Mendes, J. Wu, F. Ono, L. Zancanaro, et al. 2023. Soil physicochemical and biological properties in soybean areas under no-till Systems in the Brazilian Cerrado. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 862. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160674.

13. Shrestha, R., P. Jacinthe, R. Lal, K. Lorenz, M. Singh, et al. 2023. Biochar as a negative emission technology: A synthesis of field research on greenhouse gas emissions. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY. doi: 10.1002/jeq2.20475.

14. Wang F., Harindintwali J.-D., Wei K.,  et al., (2023). Climate change: Strategies for mitigation and adaptation. THE INNOVATION GEOSCIENCE 1(1), 100015. doi: 10.59717/j.xinn-geo.2023.100015

15. Xia, L., L. Cao, Y. Yang, C. Ti, Y. Liu, et al. 2023. Integrated biochar solutions can achieve carbon- neutral staple crop production. NATURE FOOD 4(3): 236–246. doi: 10.1038/s43016-023-00694-0.