Lal Carbon Center Graduate Students at the Hayes Advanced Research Forum: Anna Kolganova

PhD students Anna Kolganova and Brittany Multer joined dozens of their peers at the Ohio State University Union on Friday, March 1st, for the 38th Edward F. Hayes Advanced Research forum.

By Anna Kolganova

On March 1st, 2024, I presented my research poster on “Biochar as a Rumen Modifier for Reducing Methane Emissions from Jersey Cows” at the 38th 

Annual Edward F. Hayes Advanced Research Forum. This year the Forum received about 400 applications and was extremely competitive, thus, I extremely competitive, thus, I was delighted to get a chance to participate.

My study investigated the influence of biochar (BC) on ruminal methanogenesis while testing for the potential for added NO3- to be embedded in the BC matrix and non-additively interact to suppress CH4 production in vitro. In the experiment, BC (6% of DM*) and its combination with NO3- [4% of dry matter (DM)] were tested under the conditions of low (high starch) and high (low starch) forage diets in rumen fluid taken from Jersey cows. After 24-h of incubation, CH4 production was measured. The results showed that in the high forage diet, main effect of BC reduced CH4 production by 84% without significantly altering other rumen fluid characteristics. The combination of BC and NO3 did not surpass BC treatment alone in suppressing CH4 production.

Every poster was evaluated separately by a group of judges based on a 5-minute presentation. In between, posterpresenters could walk around the room and talk to each other about their research. I was amazed by the variety of topics and the complexity of studies conducted by my peers. I learned about topographical impact of wildfires distribution, ways to prevent salmonellosis in chicken, and many other up-to-date and well-organized studies. At the end of the Forum, I was awarded an Honorable Mention and provided with helpful feedback from judges. However, the best award for me was the opportunity to exchange knowledge and interact with talented young scientists from OSU Grad School. Next year, I am planning to apply to the Forum again, and, hopefully, meet more grad students and learn about their fascinating projects.