
Search results

  1. Grazing Management Workshop


  2. Livestock Mortality Composting Certification Workshop

    Composting livestock and poultry mortality in agricultural operations is a legal option for disposal in Ohio.  Ohio requires each operater to attend a mortality compost training session conducted by OSU Extension.  Cost is $20 for notebook and certificati ...

  3. 2016 OARDC Agronomy Workshop: Feb. 15th- Field Crops Management 201

    8:30 Check-in, coffee & donuts 9:00 How to Use and Interpret Statistics- Drs. Steve Culman & Pierce Paul 10:00 Wheat and Corn Pathology- Dr. Pierce Paul 10:30 Break 10:45 Troubleshooting Corn Ear Abnormalities- Dr. Peter Thomison 11:15 Corn Root W ...

  4. Preparing for Project Pride Day


  5. Holiday- Veterans Day

    The Ohio State University and all OSU Extension offices are closed. ...

  6. 2016 Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop

    Registration starts at 8:30 am, the concurrent sessions start at 9:00 am and adjourns at 3:30. Join us for sessions on tree identification, raptors, managing aquatic plant and algae, pollinator habitat, invasive plant identification, and control, wood ide ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-31

    the southern-most counties. Planting within the first 10 days after this date insures the proper ... 3. Initial appearances can be deceiving, especially visual assessments! Use field days to make ...

  8. Agronomy Workshop


  9. CD Wire- November 26, 2012

    Workshop. Two are scheduled, December 18 and January 16, to be held at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau ...

  10. CD Wire- August 14, 2012

    visit New Environmental Professionals Network ...
